From August 20-22, 2014, IAT Chairperson Paul Wylezol attended the 4th Conjugate Margins Conference in St. John’s, NL and presented a trio of posters on the IAT, IAT Geoparks and the planned Cabox Geopark in Western Newfoundland. The Conference started in 2008 to bring industry and academia together to discuss the similarities of basis evolution in conjugate margins. It originally focused on the margins of the North Atlantic but has grown into a major international conference with presentations and posters with key industry players and academic researchers. The 3-day event started with an official welcome by Tom Hedderson, Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador and was followed by series of presentations on tectonic and magmatic processes and continental margins.
The poster sessions were held in adjacent exhibition rooms, primarily during refreshment and lunch breaks. The first IAT poster showed milestones in the development of the IAT and was created by Maine State Geologist and IAT Maine member Robert Marvinney, IAT Maine members Walter Anderson and Don Hudson, and IAT/IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol. The second IAT poster featured Geoparks along the IAT route in Europe and the proposed new route through southern New Brunswick. It was created by Maine State Geologist and IAT Maine member Robert Marvinney, IAT Maine members Walter Anderson and Don Hudson, and IAT/IATNL Chairperson Paul Wylezol. The third IAT poster featured the IATNL’s proposed Cabox Geopark in Western Newfoundland, spanning the four Bay of Islands Ophiolites. It will also be presented at the 6th International UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks, September 19-22 in Saint John, New Brunswick.
For more on the story, go to the IATNL Website