From June 2 to 7, 2019, representatives of the International Appalachian Trail (IAT), Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC), Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) and Appalachian Trail Museum gathered in Ulster Ireland for an Outdoor Economy Forum to discuss common issues and assist IAT Ulster Ireland develop a world-class trail network.
Day One began with a morning hike along Sallagh Braes basalt cliffs, which provide a spectacular view of the Northern Ireland coast and Irish Sea beyond.
The trek was guided by James McKeown of the Glens of Antrim Rambling Club and ended at one of Northern Ireland’s many Games of Thrones tv series sites.
The scene then shifted to the Ballygalley Community Center for the first of two workshops, which included introductions to the IAT, ATC, and AMC, as well as progress to date on IAT Ulster Ireland.
IAT North America was represented by chapter members from Maine (including Don Hudson, Bill Duffy and Nancy Hathaway) and Newfoundland (including Paul Wylezol and Arne Helgeland), while IAT Ulster Ireland was represented by Magne Haugseng and Martin Bradley from Northern Ireland and Inga Bock from Donegal County in the Republic.
For more on the story, go to IATNL Website