Works Continues on Stone Brook Basecamp

Paul WylezolUncategorizedLeave a Comment

During 2019, the IATNL made significant strides in completing its Cabox Geopark basecamp at Stone Brook (aka Stowbridges) in North Arm, Bay of Islands. The two-storey former fisherman’s house will serve as a start/end point for 2-3 day treks across the North Arm Hills to/from Trout River. This year’s work included the installation of bunk beds, new vinyl flooring, indoor plumbing, and the reconstruction of the damaged seawall.

Due to the 10th Anniversary IAT Scotland visit and an Outdoor Economy Forum in Ulster Ireland in late May/early June, IATNL directors Arne Helgeland and Paul Wylezol’s first trip to the basecamp didn’t occur until June 27-29, still early enough to enjoy the last of lobster season!

Arne takes time out to enjoy fresh lobster provided by fisherman neighbour Kerry Park

During this and the July 20-24 visit, more pine boards and cupboards were installed on the downstairs walls,

sheeting was completed on the new sun porch,

Paul nails on the last pieces of sheeting in preparation for sun porch windows and clapboard

and work continued on the storm-damaged seawall.

Arne takes a break during reconstruction of the seawall

For more on the story, go to the IATNL website

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