Across the Blow Me Downs to Knights Brook Falls

Paul WylezolUncategorizedLeave a Comment

With early spring in the lowlands and late winter in the highlands, IATNL/Cabox Chairperson Paul Wylezol set off to cross the eastern end of Blow Me Down Ophiolite Massif to check out a series of waterfalls on Knights Brook, where the crystal-clear stream emerges from the mountains and turns south to follow its course through 7kms of foothills to the eastern end of Serpentine Lake. In 2021 spring arrived a month early in Western Newfoundland, which permitted this April 25 trek. Temperatures ranged from 8 to 10C at the base of the mountains and in the valleys, but hovered between 2 and 4C on top, where a 20-30km breeze across large swaths of snowpack added a ‘still winter’ chill.